How-to Marketing Tips Revisited

Partly because Avid Writer Kimberly Ben mentioned on her blog that established writers are long on advice on what not to do and short on how to get a respectable career going, I decided to reach into the archives here and remind new visitors that there’s a better way to build a credible writing rep. It’s also partly because I’m swamped with work this week. Revisiting old posts seems like a good idea.

Thanks for the reminder, Kimberly! Below you’ll find links to previous posts on how to build a marketing plan. I will caution that what works for me may not work for you (thank you to CatalystBlogger Jennifer Williamson for a timely reminder in that regard!).

If you have questions, comments, or additional tips, feel free to share them here.

Marketing 101: Finding the Clients

Marketing 101: The Approach

Marketing 101: Ongoing Marketing

What were your first jobs? How did you find those clients?

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4 Thoughts to “How-to Marketing Tips Revisited”

  1. I did what I still do — I find companies/organizations/individuals who interest me and I convince them they can't live without me.

  2. Such great tips, Lori! Thanks for this! I'm going to link back to this post tomorrow.:)

  3. Brochures! That would be perfect for me. Of course, now I have something else to add to my list of things to get done. Thanks-a lot.

  4. Devon, I do the same. I think it takes a lot of confidence (and war wounds) for some writers to get to that point, but it's really effective.

    Simplify, Wendy. Simplify…;)

    Thanks for inspiring me, Kimberly. 🙂

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